Initial Publication Date: April 13, 2015

Mission or Vision Statement

Geology Department, Carleton College

Geology is the study of the Earth: the materials of which it is made, the structure of those materials, and the processes acting upon them. Geology also includes the study of the organisms which inhabit our planet. An important part of geology is the study of how Earth's materials, structures, processes and organisms have changed over time.

The main goal of the Geology Department at Carleton is to develop, apply and transmit scientific knowledge about the Earth and Earth's systems throughout its 4.6 billion year history. Our general goals include:

  1. Provision of high-quality undergraduate education, including development of techniques for enhancing geological education;
  2. Development of geology students as scientists and as highly competent practitioners;
  3. Education of Carleton's general student population about Earth and its natural systems;
  4. Development of new knowledge through scientific research;
  5. Effective communication of new knowledge to the global geology community;
  6. Application of geological knowledge to address practical problems affecting human society, including stewardship of the natural world;
  7. Service as a source of reliable geologic information within the college community and beyond; and
  8. Maintenance of an environment within the Geology Department characterized by mutual support, respect and kindness to each other.

The Geology major at Carleton College is designed to prepare undergraduate students to excel in earth-related careers in public service, the private sector and education. We aim to provide a high quality education that will prepare graduates for life-long advancement in the geosciences and in other fields of their choice. (For many of these careers, students will require additional education and training.) The program is intended to improve a student's ability to clearly grasp earth concepts and ideas.