Initial Publication Date: June 14, 2014
Nicole LaDue

Authors: Nicole LaDue, Heather Petcovic, Julie Libarkin, Kathleen Baker, and Zach Hambrick
Title: Visuospatial Ability and Geologic Mapping: Experts and Novices in the Field
Abstract: Results presented from a study of the cognitive and behavioral aspects of field mapping in a sample of expert and novice geologists.
References: Hambrick, David Z., et al. "A test of the circumvention-of-limits hypothesis in scientific problem solving: The case of geological bedrock mapping." Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141.3 (2012): 397.

Baker, Kathleen M., et al. "Spatial Signatures of Mapping Expertise Among Field Geologists." Cartography and Geographic Information Science 39.3 (2012): 119-132.
Visuospatial Ability & Geologic Mapping: Experts and Novices in the Field (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 13.1MB Jun17 14)