Betty Blecha

Initial Publication Date: February 23, 2009
Betty Blecha

Department of Economics
San Francisco State University
1600 Holloway Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94132

Phone: 415.405.2496
Fax: 415.338.1057

Background Information

Betty Blecha is a Professor of Economics at San Francisco State University. She earned her Ph.D. in economics from the University of Iowa in 1976.

Betty has been involved with computer assisted instruction in economics since the 1970s. She has given numerous presentations over the years at professional conferences and universities, and she was one of the principal organizers of the educational computer sessions hosted by the AEA at the yearly ASSA meetings Her current research focuses on the adoption of instructional technology in economics departments. Betty has published in the American Economic Review and the Journal of Political Economy.

Related Pedagogical Projects

Betty is currently developing curriculum materials for resource economics and mathematical economics using MatLab. She also has an ongoing interest in using computer technology to teach economic principles and econometrics.