Down in the Dirt Wonders Beckon
Paul Raeburn December 3, 2001 Business Week

This news article reports the use of DNA extraction, amplification, cloning, and screening to uncover the unknown microorganisms of the soil and sea by targeting their genetic makeup. The discovery of new microbes could lead to new medicines, anticancer drugs, insecticides and industrial enzymes.

[Related Website]

Subject: Biology:Microbiology, Diversity, Environmental Science:Ecosystems:Ecology, Biology:Microbiology:Methods of Microbiology :Molecular Methods, Education:Assessment
Resource Type: Activities:Classroom Activity:Jigsaw, Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work, Pedagogic Resources:Overview/Summary, Journal Article
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), High School (9-12), Middle (6-8), College Upper (15-16), Informal, General Public