Center for Problem-Based Learning

IMSA Center for Problem-Based Learning

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Problem-based learning is an educational approach that organizes curriculum and instruction around carefully crafted "ill-structured" problems. Students gather and apply knowledge from multiple disciplines in their quest for solutions. Guided by teachers acting as cognitive coaches, they develop critical thinking, problem solving, and collaborative skills as they identify problems, formulate hypotheses, conduct data searches, perform experiments, formulate solutions and determine the best "fit" of solutions to the conditions of the problem. This web site provides tutorials, references, project examples and insight for teachers seeking information on problem-based learning.

This description of a site outside SERC has not been vetted by SERC staff and may be incomplete or incorrect. If you have information we can use to flesh out or correct this record let us know.

Part of the Cutting Edge collection. The NAGT/DLESE On the Cutting Edge project helps geoscience faculty stay up-to-date with both geoscience research and teaching methods.

Cutting Edge
This resource is referenced here:
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), College Upper (15-16), High School (9-12), Middle (6-8), Intermediate (3-5), Primary (K-2)