Inquiry Page

Graduate School of Library & Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

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The Inquiry Page is a dynamic virtual community where inquiry-based education can be discussed, resources and experiences shared, and innovative approaches explored in a collaborative environment. The site features a growing database of inquiry units, and you can also build your own inquiry units. The database of exisiting units covers a range of topics from the sciences as well as the humanities. There are pictures of inquiry-based activities and information about other teachers who use inquiry methods. For teachers looking for suport or answers to questions about inquiry-based learning, there is a discussion forum to share ideas. There is also a list of related articles, case studies and evaluations.

This description of a site outside SERC has not been vetted by SERC staff and may be incomplete or incorrect. If you have information we can use to flesh out or correct this record let us know.

Part of the Cutting Edge collection. The NAGT/DLESE On the Cutting Edge project helps geoscience faculty stay up-to-date with both geoscience research and teaching methods.

Cutting Edge
This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Education, Biology
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources:Overview/Summary, Activities:Classroom Activity:Process Oriented Guided Inquiry, Activities:Project
Grade Level: College Lower (13-14), High School (9-12), Middle (6-8), Primary (K-2), Intermediate (3-5)