Initial Publication Date: October 21, 2008
Gary Randolph Randolph
The GLOBE Program
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307
303-497-2638 (fax)

A brief bio: I have worked at the GLOBE Program Office since 1997 after a 3.5 year stint in the Peace Corps. My education and training is in wildlife conservation and environmental studies and have been involved in environmental education (presenting/developing activities) for about 20 years.

I anticipate learning more about what affects an increase in sea surface temperature will have on hurricanes/typoons/cyclones within the realm of intensity, changes in the length of season as well as how these storms then affect the development of land-based storms (severe thunderstorms and flooding potential, tornadoes, etc) and their associated changes in intensity, seasonality, etc. Are these changes affecting both Atlantic and Pacific storms?

Activity: In Search of GLOBE Data (../../../../NAGTWorkshops/hurricanes/activities/28220.html)