Initial Publication Date: October 10, 2006

Carleton's Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Grant

CISMI was launched with USD800,000 from HHMI covering the time period of September 2004 through August 2008. This is Carleton's 5th consecutive 4-year grant from HHMI. HHMI projects are noted below. Interdisciplinary target areas in the grant include:

CISMI will continue to grow to be larger than those activities funded solely by HHMI. Carleton College is funding some new efforts in CISMI, including compensation for leadership efforts by faculty. The Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations at Carleton is working aggressively with CISMI to identify funding beyond HHMI for new programs and activities.

Professor Trish Ferrett (Chemistry) is the Program Director of the current HHMI grant. Please contact her if you have questions.

Summer Student Research Support

2005 Science Scholars Sara Lopez (left) & Lisa Short (right)
Broadening Access to Science

Interdisciplinary Science Instrumentation

  • Digital imagers for use in Biology and Chemistry research labs and courses/labs in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Genetics, and Immunology
  • Medical Physics equipment for 2 new labs

Faculty & Staff Development

Curriculum & Lab Development

Solicitation for proposals for curriculum development, Summer 2007 (Acrobat (PDF) 48kB Oct10 06)

Interdisciplinary senior capstones:

Computational Modeling:

Interdisciplinary courses:

Interdisciplinary labs:

Interdisciplinary case studies:

Problem solving emphasis:

Integrative learning:

  • Study on integrative learning in interdisciplinary and disciplinary science courses for first-term first year students (PIs Susan Singer & Debby Walser-Kuntz, Biology & Trish Ferrett, Chemistry & Larry Wichlinski, Psychology)

Program Assessment & Administration

  • The HHMI/CISMI Advisory Board meets regularly to oversee many aspects of CISMI and plans for its future (at right).
  • With the help of the Advisory Board, the CISMI Director and Co-Director administer faculty workshops and events, curriculum development, funds for summer research, program assessment, and the HHMI grant budget. When possible, CISMI collaborates with other college initiatives.
  • Staff in Carleton's Office of Institutional Research & Analysis (Jackie Lauer-Glebov) and in the group for Ethnography and Evaluation Research (Anne-Barrie Hunter) at the University of Colorado at Boulder help with assessment and evaluation.
  • Administrative assistant Mary Drew works with CISMI.
  • Staff Sean Fox and Cathy Manduca at the The Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton helps with the CISMI web page and project dissemination.