Mobile GIS

Guy Johnson

Rochester Institute of Technology
University with graduate programs, including doctoral programs


This course introduces students to concepts in Mobile GIS technology, GPS theory, and the integration of GPS and GIS data. Students will learn how to use hand-held GPS units, hand held personal computers, and ArcPad, GPS Analyst, and Trimble GPS software. Additionally, this source will provide students with the opportunity to plan and implement field surveys in a team environment, as well as perform laboratory-based geospatial data analysis on information collected in the field. The course will emphasize the integration of geospatial technologies for field surveys.

Course URL:
Course Size:


Course Context:

This course requires skills in using ArcGIS software to integrate data and create maps. The prerequisite is the Introduction to GIS course that uses ArcInfo

Course Goals:

See submitted syllabus.

How course activities and course structure help students achieve these goals:

Project based activities and learning

Skills Goals

Use of GPS devices and associated software

Integration of GPS acquired data with existing GIS data

Student writing
Quantitative abilities

Attitudinal Goals

Encourgage students to develop skills and acquire data with location content. They will be able to visualize and communicate the results using GIS software.

How course activities and course structure help students achieve these goals:

Students select their own projects in their area of study and quality and impact of project is assessed.


Project accomplishments based on guidelines.


Mobile GIS Syllabus (Microsoft Word 51kB Jul23 10)

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