Geologic Remote Imaging

Brian Hausback

California State University, Sacramento
University with graduate programs, primarily masters programs


This course is designed as an introduction to the use of remote imaging in geologic applications. The basic concepts of image production, processing, and interpretations are covered. Students with a background in basic geologic concepts will gain a new tool with which to observe and study geology features. Remotely sensed image information is more and more widely available in our "Information Age". As the availability of imagery with ever increasing spatial and spectral resolution, remote image analysis becomes an evermore important and efficient tool for geologic and environmental investigations.

The course is divided into two parts: Aerial Photography and Digital Image Processing. Students in this course will become familiar with classic and modern use of air photos as a reconnaissance and mapping tool. They will also gain an understanding of theory and practical use of digital remote imaging as applied to geologic interpretation of the surface of the Earth. We will also learn the basics of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) as a tool to display and use remote sensing images with other geologic data. Our introduction to GIS will in no way be comprehensive, but will be extremely useful.

Course URL:
Course Size:

less than 15

Course Context:

Course Goals:

Expected Learning Outcomes
-using air photos for mapping geologic features
-familiarization with spectral imaging and sources of imagery
-affect of the atmosphere on the electromagnetic spectrum
-structure and processing techniques of digital imagery
-application of digital imagery for interpretation of lithology, structure, geomorphology, and geologic activity
-familiarity with computer programs: ENVI, ArcGIS, Google Earth

How course activities and course structure help students achieve these goals:

Students in this course will become familiar with classic and modern use of air photos as a reconnaissance and mapping tool. They will also gain an understanding of theory and practical use of digital remote imaging as applied to geologic interpretation of the surface of the Earth. We will also learn the basics of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) as a tool to display and use remote sensing images with other geologic data. Our introduction to GIS will in no way be comprehensive, but will be extremely useful.

Skills Goals

-student writing
-oral communication
-accessing and critically reading the geologic literature

How course activities and course structure help students achieve these goals:

Students in this course will become familiar with classic and modern use of air photos as a reconnaissance and mapping tool. They will also gain an understanding of theory and practical use of digital remote imaging as applied to geologic interpretation of the surface of the Earth. We will also learn the basics of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) as a tool to display and use remote sensing images with other geologic data. Our introduction to GIS will in no way be comprehensive, but will be extremely useful.



Geologic Remote Imaging - Hausback CSUS (Acrobat (PDF) 21kB Jun1 10)

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