Initial Publication Date: December 13, 2011

Dissemination Activities: Conference Panels

Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U): 2011 Annual Meeting

Metacognition in Liberal Education: A Report about the Associated Colleges of the Midwest Teagle Collegium on Student Learning
Metacognition – thinking about thinking – has been much discussed, but questions remain about the effects of using metacognitive strategies in the classroom. The 16 projects undertaken through the ACM-Teagle Collegium on Student Learning provide a varied set of data and tangible models for applying metacognitive practices in the liberal arts classroom. This panel will offer results and models that should be of interest to educators seeking to help globally aware students become self-aware and reflective learners.
John Ottenhoff, Vice President, Associated Colleges of the Midwest; Karl Wirth, Associate Professor of Geology, Macalester College; Holly Swyers, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Lake Forest College; David Thompson, Associate Professor of Spanish, Luther College; Kristin Bonnie, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Beloit College

International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL): 2011 Annual Meeting

Designing Metacognitive Strategies for Student Learning across Disciplines
Rachel G. Ragland, Diane Angell, Kristin Bonnie, Steve Singleton, David Thompson & Kent McWilliams

This workshop will engage audience members in designing activities for classroom inquiry around a common theme of metacognition (thinking about one's own learning strategies) that served as the unifying framework for SOTL projects across a range of disciplines at 12 institutions. Following sharing of brief descriptions of activities that were inspired by the desire to incorporate and investigate strategies for metacognition, audience members will engage in shared reflection and project design facilitated by faculty presenters.

Effective Practices in SOTL Professional Development: Creating and Supporting a Collaborative Faculty Community for
Classroom Research

Rachel G. Ragland, John Ottenhoff, Dan Bernstein & David Schodt

This session presents effective practices for supporting faculty in SOTL projects that emerged from a learning community engaged in classroom inquiry. Classroom-based projects were conducted collaboratively by faculty from the Associated Colleges of the Midwest. Metacognition – thinking about one's own learning – served as the unifying framework for this "Collegium on Student Learning." Useful insights and strategies for supporting faculty who are new to SOTL and for about cross-disciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration will be shared.

ISSOTL PowerPoint (Acrobat (PDF) 1.3MB Dec7 11)

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