Initial Publication Date: June 24, 2010

Portland State University has developed a broader, more holistic rubric than some of the other examples. Designed to assess portfolios, rather than QW assignments per se, it does include references to elements of writing.

"The Quantitative Literacy Rubric at Portland State University"

6 Points: Portfolio demonstrates evidence of ability to conduct independent research and to integrate the results with other methodologies in original work. The meaning of statistical significance, calculus, a comprehensive understanding of causality and correlation, applications of normal curves and outliers to physical and social phenomena, and an integrated comprehension of linear regression is comprehensively displayed.

5 Points: Portfolio demonstrates evidence of ability to conduct independent research and to integrate the results with other methodologies in original work although not to the fullest extent possible. The meaning of statistical significance, a comprehensive understanding of causality and correlation, applications of normal curves and outliers to physical and social phenomena, and an integrated comprehension of linear regression is present but not fully displayed.

4 Points: Portfolio contains assignments demonstrating evidence of an ability to read, understand, and critique books or articles that make use of quantitative reasoning, using descriptive statistics, understanding the meaning of statistical significance, and by displaying data using appropriate graphs and charts. Assignments are included in the portfolio as separate entities and quantitative reasoning is integrated into other work.

3 Points: Portfolio demonstrates evidence of an ability to read, understand, and critique books or articles that make use of quantitative reasoning, using descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode), understanding the meaning of statistical significance, and by displaying data using appropriate graphs and charts. Alternatively, well-designed and appropriate quantitative reasoning assignments are included in the portfolio, but as separate entities.

2 Points: Portfolio demonstrates evidence of limited ability to define, duplicate, label, list, recognize and reproduce mathematical and statistical elements. Portfolio displays limited or no evidence of meaningful application of these numerical concepts.

1 Point: Portfolio demonstrates no evidence of ability to evaluate mathematics and statistics, including no knowledge of basic descriptive statistics."
