QR Across the Curriculum Profiles

Initial Publication Date: October 23, 2013

Many institutions and departments are beginning to address the contextual nature of quantitative reasoning (QR) by adding QR components to courses, departments, degrees and institutional graduation requirements for undergraduates. Adding these requirements means that faculty and departments are now in the position of needing to add QR goals to courses that may have not included QR components previously.

Integrating QR into your course can be a daunting task. You may have the motivation to do it but still need ideas, advice, and suggestions for how to integrate QR in a way that will be meaningful and appropriate for your students.

To that end, a series of interviews were conducted in summer and fall 2013 to generate a collection of profiles of faculty at a wide range of institution types and across a wide range of departments with an emphasis on social sciences. This collection presents information about motivation, goals, assignments, and advice for integrating QR into undergraduate courses in relevant and manageable ways. Read the profiles to find inspiration on how you can incorporate QR into your teaching.

Profile Collection

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