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Thermomechanics of a detachment shear zone, Picacho Peak, AZ

Session: Localization processes within the lithosphere

New insights about active detachment faulting in Death Valley, California
Darrel Cowan, University of Washington-Tacoma Campus

Session: Cutting edge research in structural geology geophysics geochemistry and tectonics

Deformation of Franciscan blueschists and eclogites at depth in a subduction zone
Samantha Carruthers, McGill University

Session: Development of tectonic microstructures

Insights into earthquake rupture and recovery from paleoseismic faults
Christie Rowe, McGill University

Session: Quantifying rates of slip

Lawsonite Microstructures and Fabric Development at the Slab-Mantle Interface

Session: Cutting edge research in structural geology geophysics geochemistry and tectonics

Observing Late Pleistocene Glacial Tectonics using Geophysical Techniques
Dan Davis, SUNY at Stony Brook

Session: Cutting edge research in structural geology geophysics geochemistry and tectonics