Initial Publication Date: May 28, 2010


Announcement 3

Please read these announcements for the week of May 28, 2010-June 3, 2010
  1. Please notify us of any special needs or requests ASAP. If you have any dietary restrictions, medical conditions, or other special needs that we should be aware of, please email Sarah at as soon as possible so that we can do our best to make the necessary accommodations in advance of the workshop. Please be aware that we may be taking some tours and "field trips" during the workshops, which may involve walking and stair climbing. When sending your email, please include "Eyes in the Sky II" in the subject line.
  2. Make your travel plans for the summer workshop. You are responsible for your own transportation to and from your workshop location. For those of you who will be flying to your workshop, you may want to think about buying your tickets soon to get the best possible fare. For more information about area airports, ground transportation suggestions, or to coordinate travel plans with other workshop attendees, check out the Summer Workshops pages.
  3. Explore Course Resources. If you didn't have time during the course to explore all of the additional resources and want to now, we've put them all together for you on one Resources page.