Initial Publication Date: June 3, 2010


Announcement 4

Please read these announcements for the week of June 4, 2010-June 10, 2010
  1. Explore Course Resources. If you didn't have time during the course to explore all of the additional resources and want to now, we've put them all together for you on one Resources page.
  2. Start Getting Ready for the Summer Workshop. The summer workshops will be here before you know it. Now is a good time to start getting yourself (and your computer) ready. Here are a few things we suggest you to do prepare:
    • Make sure the laptop you will be bringing to the workshop has all the appropriate software installed. At the workshop, we will be using the same software we used during the online course. If you are bringing a computer to the workshop that is different from the computer you used during the online course, please be sure to download and/or install ImageJ, GIS software (AEJEE and/or ArcGIS), and Google Earth before arriving at the workshop.
    • Review key skills and sticking points. If you didn't have time to complete all of the activities during the online course, we recommend that you go back and give them a try before the workshop. This will help you review what you learned and identify places where you still feel you could use some extra help.
    • Prepare a list of questions or topics you would like us to address at the workshop. If there is something you really want to be reviewed or covered at the workshop, feel free to send us an email with your request. We can't promise to get to everything, but we'll do our best to accommodate your requestsparticularly those we receive in advance of the workshop.