Field Safety Resources

  • The Field Labs module over at Starting Point: Teaching Introductory Geoscience has a page of Safety Considerations that should be taken into account when creating new labs or lab courses.


Couper, P. and T. Stott (2006). Field Safety Training for Staff in Geography, Earth, and Environmental Sciences in HE: Establishing a Framework. Planet, No. 16, July 2006, p. 4-8.

Norris, R.M. (1993). Field trip crises, large and small. Journal of Geological Education, 41(3)324-328.

O'Reilly, G. (1992). Planning for field safety. Washington, DC: American Geological Institute, 197p.

Stuckless, J.S. and Vogt, D.G. (1985). Medical emergencies at summer field camp. Journal of Geological Education, 33(2), 167-170.

Tewksbury, D.A. and Tewksbury, B.J. (2004). Playing it safe: recognizing and mitigating risk when working with students in the field. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 5, p. 155.