Initial Publication Date: January 20, 2023
Workshop: Planning to achieve Q-MARE's educational goals
23 January, 2023, 14:00 – 16:00 GMT

Workshop goals
By the end of this workshop, participants will:
- Be aware of the types of resources that can be developed and are likely to be used at different educational levels;
- Have a refined set of goals and outcomes for the Q-MARE educational programme
- Have a plan for making progress on one or more of their goals
14:00 Introductions: me, NAGT, you
- Introductory slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 5.5MB Jan23 23)
14:15 How have other projects approached education?
- Introduction to projects and resources on Teach the Earth
- Guided individual exploration
- Bringing MARGINS research into the classroom
- Tree-ring expeditions (TREX)
- Microbial Life Educational Resources
- IGUaNA (Introducing Geophysics for Urban and Near-Surface Applications)
- The Hurricane - Climate Change Connection: Bringing cutting-edge research into the classroom
- Brief report out (Google doc)
14:45 Challenges and opportunities: What does Q-MARE want to achieve?
- Breakout room discussion (if >10 people) or whole-group discussion
- What does Q-MARE offer for education that is unique?
- Which educational level(s) should we focus on? (Where can Q-MARE have the biggest impact?)
- What challenges are we likely to face?
15:15 Full group discussion: Refining goals
15:30 Small groups develop next steps for making progress
15:45 Report out from small groups and wrap up
Google Drive folder for workshop documents