Initial Publication Date: October 11, 2020

Apply to serve as an Associate Editor for JGE

Do you enjoy reviewing manuscripts and providing constructive feedback to authors? Are you interested in engaging more deeply in the review process? Would you like to be more involved in the geoscience education community? If so, you might be interested in serving as an Associate Editor.

Associate editors (AEs) manage the peer review process for manuscripts submitted to JGE. When assigned a paper by an editor, they seek out and invite appropriate peer reviewers, provide guidance to authors about responding to reviewer comments, and make recommendations to the editors about how to proceed with the manuscript. AEs serve three-year terms, beginning in January and serving through December of the third year. Like reviewers, AEs are volunteers, and we greatly value their contributions to the journal; they are recognized on both the journal website and in the front matter of each print issue of the journal.

We solicit applications for new associate editors in the fall of each year.


In order to facilitate an efficient peer review process during their terms, AEs are expected to:

  • Respond promptly (within three working days) to invitations from the Editors,
  • Manage the review process for assigned manuscripts in a timely fashion (4-6 weeks),
  • Provide thorough and thoughtful comments for authors and editors,
  • Keep contact information and availability up-to-date in the review management system,
  • Handle approximately 4-6 papers per calendar year (per volume).

For more information about the expectations and process of serving as an Associate Editor, please read the guidelines (Acrobat (PDF) 253kB Oct14 18).

Desired qualifications

Associate Editors provide the interface between editors and reviewers. Although they remain anonymous to authors, the quality and timeliness of their work impacts authors in addition to the editorial staff. As such, we seek Associate Editors who are:

  • Knowledgeable in a field that is published in JGE and well-grounded in the literature in that field;
  • Strong writers and editors;
  • Experienced in the manuscript review process and comfortable giving authors thorough and thoughtful feedback in a positive and respectful tone;
  • Capable of synthesizing and reconciling potentially divergent reviews to provide clear guidance to authors;
  • Organized and manage their time well, with a tendency to complete tasks within a given timeline;
  • Representative of the diversity of the geoscience education community.

Previous editorial experience is not required.

To apply

Interested applicants will be asked to submit a cover letter and a concise CV. The cover letter should address why you wish to serve as an AE for the journal and describe how you meet the above qualifications, including your area(s) of expertise in geoscience education and education research. The CV should include relevant publications (abstracts are not necessary), any previous editorial experience or other management experience, and other relevant appointments.

Apply now

The deadline to apply to serve as an Associate Editor is November 1 for a 3-year term beginning on January 1 the following year.


Please contact Angela Hessler (