Webinar: Exploring the Earth System with Understanding Global Change
Thursday, February 10, 2022
1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET
Registration Deadline has passed.
Jessica Bean, UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology
- Understanding Global Change website
- Presentation slides
- Understanding Global Change 101 materials
- Jamboards from webinar (one, two, and three)
Webinar Description:
The effects of intensifying global changes are here: wildfires, warming and acidifying oceans, sea level rise, and extreme weather events. The causes of global change and the mechanisms for mitigating future consequences are complex, and we need innovative scientists, engineers, and informed citizens to understand and how to respond to these challenges. Join us for activities and discussion exploring UC Berkeley's Understanding Global Change tools that allow you to engage students in the three dimensions of the NGSS by visualizing the Earth system and paths to a resilient future.

Duration: 1 hour
Format: Presentations will take place through a Zoom Meeting screen-sharing session. The webinar will be recorded.
Accessing the Webinar: Instructions for joining the webinar will be email to participants the day before the event. Learn more about accessing the webinar.
Questions? Please contact Bradlee Cotton (bcotton@carleton.edu) if you have any questions about this event.
Webinar Organizers:
Aida Awad (NAGT)
Edward Robeck (American Geosciences Institute)
Missy Holzer (NESTA)
Bradlee Cotton (National Association of Geoscience Teachers)
With the NGSS Earth and Space Science Working Group