Webinar: Soil Biology, Chemistry, and Physics... Oh My!
Thursday, February 11, 2021
1:00 pm PT | 2:00 pm MT | 3:00 pm CT | 4:00 pm ET
Briana Wyatt, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University (SSSA K12 Committee Chair)
Jenn DeBruyn, Associate Professor, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Owen Duckworth, Professor, North Carolina State University
David Lindbo, Director, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil and Plant Science Division
Soil Biology, Chemistry, and Physics... Oh My! (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 53.3MB Feb15 21)
Webinar Description:

Duration: 1 hour
Format: Presentations will take place through a Zoom Meeting screen-sharing session. The webinar will be recorded.
Accessing the Webinar: Instructions for joining the webinar will be email to participants the day before the event. Learn more about accessing the webinar.
Questions? Please contact Mitchell Bender-Awalt (mawalt@carleton.edu) if you have any questions about this event.
Webinar Organizers:
Aida Awad (NAGT)
Edward Robeck (American Geosciences Institute)
Missy Holzer (NESTA)
Mitchell Bender-Awalt (National Association of Geoscience Teachers)
With the NGSS Earth and Space Science Working Group